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Welcome back! We are excited for you to return to the Gulf Shores with us. To help make your next trip as great as your last, we wanted to share exclusive preferred rates with you to show you how much we appreciate you staying with us. 

6 Bedrooms or Less - Code: REPEAT

If you're coming back and staying in one of our Gulf Shores vacation rentals and staying in a 6-bedroom or less rental, use the code REPEAT to receive your preferred rates for repeat guests.

7 Bedrooms or More

5 Nights or Less - Code: REPEATL

If you stay in a 7-bedroom or more for 5 nights or less, use the promo code REPEATL to receive your preferred rates for repeat guests

6 Nights or More - Code: REPEATLW

If you stay in a 7-bedroom or more for 6 nights or more, use the promo code REPEATLW to receive preferred rates for repeat guests